It only makes sense that when you sell the world’s leader in chainsaws that you would also sell the top tier of outdoor wood stoves. Many of our chainsaw customers are using their saws to cut firewood. This is the exact reason that we decided to retail outdoor wood stoves.
When deciding what brand of outdoor wood stove to carry we had many factors. All of which boiled (pun intended) down to one large idea. “What do the tech’s who install and service these stoves recommend?” When we called around to see what was recommended we expected to get a variety of answers. We were blown away when we got a resounding “Heatmor”. This made the decision making very easy.
We quickly found out these stoves have been around for many years, these stoves are made in the USA and they are very simple. We would say “They don’t have a bunch of bells and whistles”. This to us is curbside appeal. We like functional, we like simple, we like efficient and we like reliable. These stoves are out in the weather, they’re braving the elements. So, the less moving parts in them the better.
The deeper we dove, Heatmor stoves seemed to exude what we are all about. We may not be the cheapest option, but we are going to set the standard for hardiness, perseverance and excellence. These stoves take a little more time to set up. Heatmor stoves need a concrete base. They also require sand in the fire box. Both of these things lead to a little more intricate set up time. However, these steps are part of the reason these stoves work so well and last so long. So, if you're looking for the cheapest quickest option, Heatmor stoves aren’t the answer. Now, if you're looking to do a little more work now to save you hours of labor and thousands of dollars in the future, Heatmor is exactly what you have been looking for.
The appeal of outdoor wood stoves is ever increasing. The thought of using a renewable resource to heat your home and domestic water is something many people long for. These stoves are meant to be a complete home solution for your home. Many people use them to heat their pool or hot tubs. The more things you have them hooked up to, the more money they can save you. The Heatmor over/under forced air draft makes our furnace more combustion efficient therefore, it produces a very fine ash. Approximately 5-8 gallons of these ashes can be safely and conveniently emptied out the rear of the furnace every 2-3 weeks. (Note: Use a noncombustible container for ash storage.) The ashes are removed out the manual ash auger. As of 2020 Heatmor started coming to our doors already prefilled with Dow Frost Industrial glycol. This ensures the lifetime warranty with little work on the consumers end. There are no additives to add and there are no water samples that need to be submitted. One thing that often goes overlooked is the lubrication properties of the glycol. Circulator pumps have a much longer life expectancy with Dow Frost. The glycol is also far more thermally conductive than regular water. Making your stove able to radiate heat much better. There are many stove choices out there. We are very pleased to offer the Heatmor stoves. A few different questions that need to be answered before you purchase are: 1. What is the square footage and age of the location you are trying to heat? 2. What are local guidelines or regulations regarding outdoor wood stoves? 3. What type of heat do you have now?
Once you have answered these questions, we can help you choose what stove would best fit you. Are you ready to have a warm house? Do you like the idea of leaving the dirt and grime outside? Are you ready to take the fire hazard outside?
If you answered YES to any of these, text us or call us. We have the solution you have been looking for with a Heatmor stove.